Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Hey ThunderClanners(and intruders in the camp)! Well, if you play Animal Jam, and need a Clan, join ShadeClan! I'm Shadestar, the leader, and my username for ShadeClan is ShadeandBlaze123. Add me if you want to join! Also, non-freechat members(not like membership members), you will have to be a kit(baby) if you want to join because if you're anything else besides med-cat(medicine-cat), you'll have to fight. And you can't fight without freechat.We have two leaders, since we've combined with CamoClan, Firestar's(camoclan leader) username is Nathen1234, and camp isn't our either of our dens'. It's at bennt155771's den(i think). So, be sure to join! But, if you're already in a Clan, don't join mine, don't be a traitor.

Also, here are some fighting tips:

First you put "*" or "-" or "(" or whatever you use. Don't use the ", it's just so you know what I'm talking about. I use "-".  So,

-claws- Your enemy would dodge that, so you put instead, -claws NO MISS- Now, it doesn't have to be in capitals. Some people do that. Also, some people pretend like they can't read, and dodge your no miss. Hopefully you won't run into those people. But if you do, dodge their no misses. It's a fair fight as I call it.
So, here's an example fight between A and B.

A: -claws no miss-
B: -jumps on back and sinks claws into it-
A: -dodges-
B: -swipes claw at face no miss-
And so on.
Now, try to make up some of your own moves.
Like I made this one:

-leaps up and swipes claw across face no miss- then I put, -lands on back and sinks teeth and claws into no miss-

Most people will try to go straight for the neck, so either dodge, or shake off quickly, You can die from that. Now, you know you can't really die on Animal Jam, but it's the way Clan cats, wolves in Animal Jam, do it.

Hope this helps!