Monday, May 9, 2011

New Book. Chapter 1.

Bluedawn walked up to her two kits, -Stormkit and Canyonkit-, and sniffed them.
"Kits. Wake up.." she mewed softly to them.
The blue-gray queen padded out of the nursery, her kits wobbling behind her.
"Bluedawn, I'm tired! Can we go back to sleep? Please!" the black-gray she-kit mewed.
"No Stormkit. It's time to wake up. Look!" she pointed her paw in the direction to the camp entrance,"It's Ghostflame!" The kits ran as fast as they could to the gray tom. "Ghostflame! We missed you!" the tan tom kit squealed. "But, we were sleep Canyonkit." Stormkit pointed out. "Hello Stormkit, Canyonkit. How are you?" he meowed. "We're fine" Stormkit and Canyonkit yawned. Suddenly two cats burst from the camp entrance,"Sh-ShadowClan!" a dark tabby warrior yowled. A big black tom ran out of the den at Highrock, "What! Where?" the dark tom screeched. "We didn't  see them, but we smelled them!" the dark tabby tom yowled. "Kits, go to the nursery. Now!" Bluedawn yelled to Stormkit and Canyonkit. Ghostflame ran up to the dark tom standing on the Highrock. "Marshstar, I will lead a team of patrols to look around." He hissed, looking at the warriors' den.
"Very well. Make sure you take Darkstripe and Longtail too though, you'll need them." he meowed calmly.
"Are you questioning my strength?" Ghostflame challenged the leader. "No." he answered with a hiss, "Just saying, they are my strongest warriors, besides you that is." Ghostflame nodded and ran to the warriors' den.
 After about ten heartbeats five warriors burst from the den. "Sandclaw, Darkstripe, Longtail and Mousefur are coming?" he asked, then without waiting for answer he meowed, "Very well. You leave after you eat."
The five great warriors padded to the fresh-kill pile and Mousefur and Darkstripe shared a chaffinch. Sandclaw, Longtail, and Ghostflame all shared a fat vole. With a flick of his tail, Ghostflame leaded the patrol out of camp.


  1. ThunderClan blog!

  2. Nice blog! I wonder what will happen next. I am a ShadowClan cat, so it is very scary for me. If you know what position I am in.

  3. Well, on AJ.

