Sunday, July 31, 2011

Is it just me?

Okay, whoever plays Warrior Cats RPG tell me. And, for me, it won't work. But EVERYTHING else will. Tell me if you have this problem.

PS: My username on WCRPG is Starlight. Please join my Clans, AmberClan and AshClan!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Not in AJ.

Hello ThunderClan Fans, and intruders. (:-\ Why are you here, intruders?) Anyways......I just wanted everyone to know that I'm not a fan of the ThunderClan in Animal Jam. They're- never mind. I'm just not a fan of them.
I'm only a fan of the ThunderClan in the BOOKS, I said BOOKS. Alright, bye!

                                                                    Don't attack for no reason. (lol random)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Changing the username.

Okay, Dawnshade is no longer a medicine cat. She is Amberstar, leader of AmberClan(please join!.
The new username is: Snowycloudmedcat.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Anyone need a medicine cat?

Hey everyone! If you play Animal Jam, and you're in a Clan, tell me. I'm a trained medicine cat named Dawnshade. I will work for any Clan, except DarkClan. I am a wolf, so wolf Clans only  too. Thanks!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Hey ThunderClanners(and intruders in the camp)! Well, if you play Animal Jam, and need a Clan, join ShadeClan! I'm Shadestar, the leader, and my username for ShadeClan is ShadeandBlaze123. Add me if you want to join! Also, non-freechat members(not like membership members), you will have to be a kit(baby) if you want to join because if you're anything else besides med-cat(medicine-cat), you'll have to fight. And you can't fight without freechat.We have two leaders, since we've combined with CamoClan, Firestar's(camoclan leader) username is Nathen1234, and camp isn't our either of our dens'. It's at bennt155771's den(i think). So, be sure to join! But, if you're already in a Clan, don't join mine, don't be a traitor.

Also, here are some fighting tips:

First you put "*" or "-" or "(" or whatever you use. Don't use the ", it's just so you know what I'm talking about. I use "-".  So,

-claws- Your enemy would dodge that, so you put instead, -claws NO MISS- Now, it doesn't have to be in capitals. Some people do that. Also, some people pretend like they can't read, and dodge your no miss. Hopefully you won't run into those people. But if you do, dodge their no misses. It's a fair fight as I call it.
So, here's an example fight between A and B.

A: -claws no miss-
B: -jumps on back and sinks claws into it-
A: -dodges-
B: -swipes claw at face no miss-
And so on.
Now, try to make up some of your own moves.
Like I made this one:

-leaps up and swipes claw across face no miss- then I put, -lands on back and sinks teeth and claws into no miss-

Most people will try to go straight for the neck, so either dodge, or shake off quickly, You can die from that. Now, you know you can't really die on Animal Jam, but it's the way Clan cats, wolves in Animal Jam, do it.

Hope this helps!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Chapter Three.

Ghostflame and the  patrol headed back to the camp. As they padded through the gorse tunnel, Stormkit and Canyonkit walked up. "Hi Ghostflame!!!" Stormkit mewed. "Hello, Stormkit." he replied. Ghostflame flicked his ears then padded to the Highrock, where Marshstar was sharing tongues with Graycloud, his deputy. "Marshstar," Ghostflame began sitting and curling his tail neatly around his paws. " It was Tigerstar and his deputy Blackfoot." he meowed. "Mm.." Marshstar murmured under his breath. "Very well, Ghostflame, Graycloud, and...." he trailed off then yowled: "All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather at the Highrock for a Clan meeting." As quickly as he said it, all the cats were assembling beneath him. "We gather here today to turn two kits, into apprentices." he began, looking around at his Clan. "Stormkit, Canyonkit, step forward." he meowed.
The two kits walked up, Stormkit standing tall, while Canyonkit, shrinking down as if he were getting jumps on by a dog. Suddenly, Marshstar began speaking, " Tantail, you are ready for an apprentice. Stormpaw will be yours. Tantail, you are strong and wise, I hope you teach all you can to this young apprentice." He turned to Stormkit. " Stormkit, you will now be known as Stormpaw. Listen to your mentor, as she has great teachings for you." he meowed, then looked over to Bluedawn  who was watching proudly. "And Canyonkit," he began again. "Your mentor will be Mistyheart. You will train as the medicine cat apprentice." he looked to Mistyheart and flicked his tail as a signal to come forward. "Mistyheart, you are young, but you have already had two apprentices, will you be willing to take another?" he asked. Mistyheart nodded and meowed, "Yes, Marshstar."
Marshstar looked happily at her, then turned to Canyonkit again. "Canyonkit, you will now be known as Canyonpaw." he mewed. Canyonpaw nodded, then he and Stormpaw turned and touched noses wit their mentors. Bluedawn padded happily and licked her kits affectionately. "I'm so proud of you!" She mewed gently.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Yet again.

Yet again, I am changing my name, and my picture for blogger. So it's still me, just another name and pic.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

A family of kittypets.

Here's a family of kittypet's and their friends and enemies.



Neighborhood Dog.


Friday, May 13, 2011

Kittypets and Dogs? WoW.

Here's some kittypets, and a dog.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Yeah so now you have to do a word verification, personally I don't like to but, it helps for spam. (NOT THE MEAT IN A CAN THAT NEVER EXPIRES! lol)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Okay so I made a fox, who is an- well just read her description.

Chapter Two.

  Ghostflame and the other warriors were running as fast as they could when a badger ran right into their path.
Fur bristled and hackles raised, Ghostflame rocked his haunches in the ferns preparing to pounce.
He jumped on the badger and sunk his thorn sharp claws and razor sharp teeth into it. Longtail and Darkstripe ran over to the badger and brought it down with Ghoststorm. Mousefur went up to it, and sunk her teeth into its neck. 
  After the badger ran away, the warriors moved on and finally scented ShadowClan.
"This way!" Ghostflame yowled. "No, I don't think so." Longtail replied with a hiss.
"I'm pretty sure it's this way. I agree with Ghostf;ame." Mouesfur hissed back to Longtail. "Fine." Longtail sighed. The ThunderClan warriors kept moving until they spotted two dark figures moving in the distance.
"What's that?" Darkstripe growled. "I'm guessing...." Ghostflame's voice trailed off as a huge dark tabby warrior ran into him and sunk his claws in Ghostflame's back. "Ghostflame!" Mouefur screeched, making the attacked look up at her with pale yellow eyes. "Mousefur?" the dark tabby asked, moving slowly off of Ghostflame."Why do you want to know who she is?" Darkstripe hissed at the dark attacker. "I'm Tigerstar, leader of ShadowClan, formerly Tigerclaw of Thunderclan." he hissed back. The ThunderClan warriors got up with arched backs and raised hackles. "You traitor!" Longtail hissed, his long tail swaying aggressively. "Yes, I am Mousefur. Now why did you attack us and why are you on our territory!" Mousefur growled, unsheathing her claws. "Don't attack!" Tigerstar yowled arching his back. "Why shouldn't we?" Ghostflame asked with a hiss. "You would never attack Tigerstar." a white tom with jet black paws growled, appearing from the shadows. "And why wouldn't we?" Darkstripe asked. "Because I am Marshstar's father." Tigerstar interrupted. The ThunderClan warriors sat down, looking defeated but still had unsheathed claws and raised hackles. "You're whose father?" Longtail asked, looking very confused. "Marshstar's you mouse-brain." Tigerstar hissed back. Ghostflame sat up, only a mouse-length away from Tigerstar's muzzle. "That means that you are Bluedawn's father too." he gasped. "Yes. Yes I am actually. Although, she was always afraid to called me her father." Tigerstar hissed. "Ha, I wonder why?" Darkstripe looked at the dark ShadowClan leader. 
  The white tom with huge jet black paws walked up. "I'm Blackfoot. Tigerstar's deputy." he meowed calmly.
"Wonder why he picked such an ugly cat!" Mousefur's mew rang. "Mousefur, stop." Ghostflame hissed.
Darkstripe and Longtail walked up. "We'll fight you if you don't leave our territory." Longtail snarled, his claws still unsheathed. Quickly, Tigerstar and Blackfoot ran into the bramble, crossing the border until they reached the Thunderpath. Slowly they waited for a monster to pass then ran across the Thunderpath. 



The territories.

Here is the Clans' territories from Warriors. I do not own these pictures and I just put them into paint.
I circled the camps.

Book Name.

Okay I decided what the name of the book I posted is.

Stormkit and Canyonkit's Life Story or Stormkit and Canyonkit, The Journey.

Comment and tell me what to pick!

Monday, May 9, 2011

New Book. Chapter 1.

Bluedawn walked up to her two kits, -Stormkit and Canyonkit-, and sniffed them.
"Kits. Wake up.." she mewed softly to them.
The blue-gray queen padded out of the nursery, her kits wobbling behind her.
"Bluedawn, I'm tired! Can we go back to sleep? Please!" the black-gray she-kit mewed.
"No Stormkit. It's time to wake up. Look!" she pointed her paw in the direction to the camp entrance,"It's Ghostflame!" The kits ran as fast as they could to the gray tom. "Ghostflame! We missed you!" the tan tom kit squealed. "But, we were sleep Canyonkit." Stormkit pointed out. "Hello Stormkit, Canyonkit. How are you?" he meowed. "We're fine" Stormkit and Canyonkit yawned. Suddenly two cats burst from the camp entrance,"Sh-ShadowClan!" a dark tabby warrior yowled. A big black tom ran out of the den at Highrock, "What! Where?" the dark tom screeched. "We didn't  see them, but we smelled them!" the dark tabby tom yowled. "Kits, go to the nursery. Now!" Bluedawn yelled to Stormkit and Canyonkit. Ghostflame ran up to the dark tom standing on the Highrock. "Marshstar, I will lead a team of patrols to look around." He hissed, looking at the warriors' den.
"Very well. Make sure you take Darkstripe and Longtail too though, you'll need them." he meowed calmly.
"Are you questioning my strength?" Ghostflame challenged the leader. "No." he answered with a hiss, "Just saying, they are my strongest warriors, besides you that is." Ghostflame nodded and ran to the warriors' den.
 After about ten heartbeats five warriors burst from the den. "Sandclaw, Darkstripe, Longtail and Mousefur are coming?" he asked, then without waiting for answer he meowed, "Very well. You leave after you eat."
The five great warriors padded to the fresh-kill pile and Mousefur and Darkstripe shared a chaffinch. Sandclaw, Longtail, and Ghostflame all shared a fat vole. With a flick of his tail, Ghostflame leaded the patrol out of camp.

Welcome to ThunderClan Fans!

Hey everyone! Okay so here is my new Clan blog about well, ThunderClan!
I will be writing short stories about my life as a Clan cat.
And news updates on what's happening in ThunderClan from the real series!